2024-01-14 18:45:30 +01:00

399 lines
14 KiB

* Copyright 2023 The original authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dev.morling.onebrc;
import static java.lang.Math.toIntExact;
import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
class ResultRow {
byte[] station;
String stationString;
long min, max, count, suma;
ResultRow() {
ResultRow(byte[] station, long value) {
this.station = new byte[station.length];
System.arraycopy(station, 0, this.station, 0, station.length);
this.min = value;
this.max = value;
this.count = 1;
this.suma = value;
ResultRow(long value) {
this.min = value;
this.max = value;
this.count = 1;
this.suma = value;
void setStation(MappedByteBuffer byteBuffer, int startPosition, int endPosition) {
this.station = new byte[endPosition - startPosition];
byteBuffer.slice(startPosition, station.length).get(this.station, 0, station.length);
public String toString() {
stationString = new String(station, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
return stationString + "=" + round(min / 10.0) + "/" + round(suma / 10.0 / count) + "/" + round(max / 10.0);
private double round(double value) {
return Math.round(value * 10.0) / 10.0;
ResultRow update(long newValue) {
this.count += 1;
this.suma += newValue;
if (newValue < this.min) {
this.min = newValue;
else if (newValue > this.max) {
this.max = newValue;
return this;
ResultRow merge(ResultRow another) {
this.count += another.count;
this.suma += another.suma;
this.min = Math.min(this.min, another.min);
this.max = Math.max(this.max, another.max);
return this;
class ByteArrayWrapper {
private final byte[] data;
public ByteArrayWrapper(byte[] data) {
this.data = data;
public boolean equals(Object other) {
return Arrays.equals(data, ((ByteArrayWrapper) other).data);
public int hashCode() {
return Arrays.hashCode(data);
class OpenHash {
ResultRow[] data;
int dataSizeMask;
// ResultRow metrics = new ResultRow();
public OpenHash(int capacityPow2) {
assert capacityPow2 <= 20;
int dataSize = 1 << capacityPow2;
dataSizeMask = dataSize - 1;
data = new ResultRow[dataSize];
int hashByteArray(byte[] array) {
int result = 0;
long mask = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i, mask = ((mask + 1) & 3)) {
result += array[i] << mask;
return result & dataSizeMask;
void merge(byte[] station, long value, int hashValue) {
while (data[hashValue] != null && !Arrays.equals(station, data[hashValue].station)) {
hashValue += 1;
hashValue &= dataSizeMask;
if (data[hashValue] == null) {
data[hashValue] = new ResultRow(station, value);
else {
// metrics.update(delta);
void merge(byte[] station, long value) {
merge(station, value, hashByteArray(station));
void merge(MappedByteBuffer byteBuffer, final int startPosition, final int endPosition, int hashValue, final long value) {
while (data[hashValue] != null && !equalsToStation(byteBuffer, startPosition, endPosition, data[hashValue].station)) {
hashValue += 1;
hashValue &= dataSizeMask;
if (data[hashValue] == null) {
data[hashValue] = new ResultRow(value);
data[hashValue].setStation(byteBuffer, startPosition, endPosition);
else {
boolean equalsToStation(MappedByteBuffer byteBuffer, int startPosition, int endPosition, byte[] station) {
if (endPosition - startPosition != station.length) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < station.length; ++i, ++startPosition) {
if (byteBuffer.get(startPosition) != station[i])
return false;
return true;
HashMap<ByteArrayWrapper, ResultRow> toJavaHashMap() {
HashMap<ByteArrayWrapper, ResultRow> result = new HashMap<>(20000);
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
if (data[i] != null) {
var key = new ByteArrayWrapper(data[i].station);
result.put(key, data[i]);
return result;
public class CalculateAverage_bufistov {
static final long LINE_SEPARATOR = '\n';
public static class FileRead implements Callable<HashMap<ByteArrayWrapper, ResultRow>> {
private final FileChannel fileChannel;
private long currentLocation;
private int bytesToRead;
private final int hashCapacityPow2 = 18;
private final int hashCapacityMask = (1 << hashCapacityPow2) - 1;
public FileRead(long startLocation, int bytesToRead, FileChannel fileChannel) {
this.currentLocation = startLocation;
this.bytesToRead = bytesToRead;
this.fileChannel = fileChannel;
public HashMap<ByteArrayWrapper, ResultRow> call() throws IOException {
try {
OpenHash openHash = new OpenHash(hashCapacityPow2);
log("Reading the channel: " + currentLocation + ":" + bytesToRead);
byte[] suffix = new byte[128];
if (currentLocation > 0) {
while (bytesToRead > 0) {
int bufferSize = Math.min(1 << 24, bytesToRead);
MappedByteBuffer byteBuffer = fileChannel.map(FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, currentLocation, bufferSize);
bytesToRead -= bufferSize;
currentLocation += bufferSize;
int suffixBytes = 0;
if (currentLocation < fileChannel.size()) {
suffixBytes = toLineBegin(suffix);
processChunk(byteBuffer, bufferSize, suffix, suffixBytes, openHash);
log("Done Reading the channel: " + currentLocation + ":" + bytesToRead);
return openHash.toJavaHashMap();
catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
byte getByte(long position) throws IOException {
MappedByteBuffer byteBuffer = fileChannel.map(FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, position, 1);
return byteBuffer.get();
int toLineBegin(byte[] suffix) throws IOException {
int bytesConsumed = 0;
if (getByte(currentLocation - 1) != LINE_SEPARATOR) {
while (getByte(currentLocation) != LINE_SEPARATOR) { // Small bug here if last chunk is less than a line and has no '\n' at the end. Valid input should have '\n' for all rows.
suffix[bytesConsumed++] = getByte(currentLocation);
return bytesConsumed;
void processChunk(MappedByteBuffer byteBuffer, int bufferSize, byte[] suffix, int suffixBytes, OpenHash result) {
int nameBegin = 0;
int nameEnd = -1;
int numberBegin = -1;
int currentHash = 0;
int currentMask = 0;
int nameHash = 0;
for (int currentPosition = 0; currentPosition < bufferSize; ++currentPosition) {
byte nextByte = byteBuffer.get(currentPosition);
if (nextByte == ';') {
nameEnd = currentPosition;
numberBegin = currentPosition + 1;
nameHash = currentHash & hashCapacityMask;
else if (nextByte == LINE_SEPARATOR) {
long value = getValue(byteBuffer, numberBegin, currentPosition);
// log("Station name: '" + getStationName(byteBuffer, nameBegin, nameEnd) + "' value: " + value + " hash: " + nameHash);
result.merge(byteBuffer, nameBegin, nameEnd, nameHash, value);
nameBegin = currentPosition + 1;
currentHash = 0;
currentMask = 0;
else {
currentHash += (nextByte << currentMask);
currentMask = (currentMask + 1) & 3;
if (nameBegin < bufferSize) {
byte[] lastLine = new byte[bufferSize - nameBegin + suffixBytes];
byte[] prefix = new byte[bufferSize - nameBegin];
byteBuffer.slice(nameBegin, prefix.length).get(prefix, 0, prefix.length);
System.arraycopy(prefix, 0, lastLine, 0, prefix.length);
System.arraycopy(suffix, 0, lastLine, prefix.length, suffixBytes);
processLastLine(lastLine, result);
void processLastLine(byte[] lastLine, OpenHash result) {
int numberBegin = -1;
byte[] stationName = null;
for (int i = 0; i < lastLine.length; ++i) {
if (lastLine[i] == ';') {
stationName = new byte[i];
System.arraycopy(lastLine, 0, stationName, 0, stationName.length);
numberBegin = i + 1;
long value = getValue(lastLine, numberBegin);
// log("Station name: '" + new String(stationName, StandardCharsets.UTF_8) + "' value: " + value);
result.merge(stationName, value);
long getValue(MappedByteBuffer byteBuffer, int startLocation, int endLocation) {
byte nextByte = byteBuffer.get(startLocation);
boolean negate = nextByte == '-';
long result = negate ? 0 : nextByte - '0';
for (int i = startLocation + 1; i < endLocation; ++i) {
nextByte = byteBuffer.get(i);
if (nextByte != '.') {
result *= 10;
result += nextByte - '0';
return negate ? -result : result;
long getValue(byte[] lastLine, int startLocation) {
byte nextByte = lastLine[startLocation];
boolean negate = nextByte == '-';
long result = negate ? 0 : nextByte - '0';
for (int i = startLocation + 1; i < lastLine.length; ++i) {
nextByte = lastLine[i];
if (nextByte != '.') {
result *= 10;
result += nextByte - '0';
return negate ? -result : result;
String getStationName(MappedByteBuffer byteBuffer, int from, int to) {
byte[] bytes = new byte[to - from];
byteBuffer.slice(from, to - from).get(0, bytes);
return new String(bytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String fileName = "measurements.txt";
if (args.length > 0 && args[0].length() > 0) {
fileName = args[0];
log("InputFile: " + fileName);
FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(fileName);
int numThreads = 32;
if (args.length > 1) {
numThreads = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
log("NumThreads: " + numThreads);
FileChannel channel = fileInputStream.getChannel();
final long fileSize = channel.size();
long remaining_size = fileSize;
long chunk_size = Math.min((fileSize + numThreads - 1) / numThreads, Integer.MAX_VALUE - 5);
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numThreads);
long startLocation = 0;
ArrayList<Future<HashMap<ByteArrayWrapper, ResultRow>>> results = new ArrayList<>(numThreads);
while (remaining_size > 0) {
long actualSize = Math.min(chunk_size, remaining_size);
results.add(executor.submit(new FileRead(startLocation, toIntExact(actualSize), channel)));
remaining_size -= actualSize;
startLocation += actualSize;
// Wait for all threads to finish
while (!executor.isTerminated()) {
log("Finished all threads");
HashMap<ByteArrayWrapper, ResultRow> result = new HashMap<>(20000);
for (var future : results) {
for (var entry : future.get().entrySet()) {
result.merge(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), ResultRow::merge);
ResultRow[] finalResult = result.values().toArray(new ResultRow[0]);
for (var row : finalResult) {
Arrays.sort(finalResult, Comparator.comparing(a -> a.stationString));
System.out.println("{" + String.join(", ", Arrays.stream(finalResult).map(ResultRow::toString).toList()) + "}");
log("All done!");
static void log(String message) {
// System.err.println(Instant.now() + "[" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "]: " + message);