* CalculateAverage_pdrakatos
* Rename to be valid with rules
* CalculateAverage_pdrakatos
* Rename to be valid with rules
* Changes on scripts execution
* Fixing bugs causing scripts not to be executed
* Changes on prepare make it compatible
* Fixing passing all tests
* Increase direct memory allocation buffer
* Fixing memory problem causes heap space exception
* Fresh solution to optimize performance of the execution
* New Fresh solution with optimized performance with Custom Hashtable
* Increase maxperm size and xmx to avoid heap spaces error
* CalculateAverage_pdrakatos
* Rename to be valid with rules
* CalculateAverage_pdrakatos
* Rename to be valid with rules
* Changes on scripts execution
* Fixing bugs causing scripts not to be executed
* Changes on prepare make it compatible
* Fixing passing all tests
* Increase direct memory allocation buffer
* Fixing memory problem causes heap space exception