Roy: Adding a bit of unsafe...

Co-authored-by: Gunnar Morling <>
This commit is contained in:
Roy van Rijn 2024-01-07 19:41:43 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent ff7d4a1750
commit e665d71549
No known key found for this signature in database

View File

@ -15,24 +15,22 @@
package dev.morling.onebrc;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.lang.foreign.Arena;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import sun.misc.Unsafe;
* Changelog:
@ -50,6 +48,7 @@ import;
* Not using SWAR for EOL: 2850 ms
* Inlining hash calculation: 2450 ms
* Replacing branchless code: 2200 ms (sometimes we need to kill the things we love)
* Added unsafe memory access: 1900 ms (keeping the long[] small and local)
* Best performing JVM on MacBook M2 Pro: 21.0.1-graal
* `sdk use java 21.0.1-graal`
@ -58,7 +57,140 @@ import;
public class CalculateAverage_royvanrijn {
private static final String FILE = "./measurements.txt";
// private static final String FILE = "./src/test/resources/samples/measurements-10000-unique-keys.txt";
private static final Unsafe UNSAFE = initUnsafe();
private static final boolean isBigEndian = ByteOrder.nativeOrder().equals(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN);
private static Unsafe initUnsafe() {
try {
Field theUnsafe = Unsafe.class.getDeclaredField("theUnsafe");
return (Unsafe) theUnsafe.get(Unsafe.class);
catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
new CalculateAverage_royvanrijn().run();
public void run() throws Exception {
// Calculate input segments.
int numberOfChunks = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
long[] chunks = getSegments(numberOfChunks);
// Parallel processing of segments.
TreeMap<String, Measurement> results = IntStream.range(0, chunks.length - 1)
.mapToObj(chunkIndex -> process(chunks[chunkIndex], chunks[chunkIndex + 1])).parallel()
.collect(Collectors.toMap(e ->, MeasurementRepository.Entry::measurement, Measurement::updateWith, TreeMap::new));
private static long[] getSegments(int numberOfChunks) throws IOException {
try (var fileChannel =, StandardOpenOption.READ)) {
long fileSize = fileChannel.size();
long segmentSize = (fileSize + numberOfChunks - 1) / numberOfChunks;
long[] chunks = new long[numberOfChunks + 1];
long mappedAddress =, 0, fileSize,;
chunks[0] = mappedAddress;
long endAddress = mappedAddress + fileSize;
for (int i = 1; i < numberOfChunks; ++i) {
long chunkAddress = mappedAddress + i * segmentSize;
// Align to first row start.
while (chunkAddress < endAddress && UNSAFE.getByte(chunkAddress++) != '\n') {
// nop
chunks[i] = Math.min(chunkAddress, endAddress);
chunks[numberOfChunks] = endAddress;
return chunks;
private MeasurementRepository process(long fromAddress, long toAddress) {
MeasurementRepository repository = new MeasurementRepository();
long ptr = fromAddress;
long[] dataBuffer = new long[16];
while ((ptr = processEntity(dataBuffer, ptr, toAddress, repository)) < toAddress)
return repository;
private static final long SEPARATOR_PATTERN = compilePattern((byte) ';');
* Already looping the longs here, lets shoehorn in making a hash
private long processEntity(final long[] data, final long start, final long limit, final MeasurementRepository measurementRepository) {
int hash = 1;
long i;
int dataPtr = 0;
for (i = start; i <= limit - 8; i += 8) {
long word = UNSAFE.getLong(i);
if (isBigEndian) {
word = Long.reverseBytes(word); // Reversing the bytes is the cheapest way to do this
final long match = word ^ SEPARATOR_PATTERN;
long mask = ((match - 0x0101010101010101L) & ~match) & 0x8080808080808080L;
if (mask != 0) {
final long partialWord = word & ((mask >> 7) - 1);
hash = longHashStep(hash, partialWord);
data[dataPtr] = partialWord;
final int index = Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(mask) >> 3;
return process(start, i + index, hash, data, measurementRepository);
data[dataPtr++] = word;
hash = longHashStep(hash, word);
// Handle remaining bytes near the limit of the buffer:
long partialWord = 0;
int len = 0;
for (; i < limit; i++) {
byte read;
if ((read = UNSAFE.getByte(i)) == ';') {
hash = longHashStep(hash, partialWord);
data[dataPtr] = partialWord;
return process(start, i, hash, data, measurementRepository);
partialWord = partialWord | ((long) read << (len << 3));
return limit;
private static final long DOT_BITS = 0x10101000;
private static final long MAGIC_MULTIPLIER = (100 * 0x1000000 + 10 * 0x10000 + 1);
private long process(final long startAddress, final long delimiterAddress, final int hash, final long[] data, final MeasurementRepository measurementRepository) {
long word = UNSAFE.getLong(delimiterAddress + 1);
if (isBigEndian) {
word = Long.reverseBytes(word);
final long invWord = ~word;
final int decimalSepPos = Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(invWord & DOT_BITS);
final long signed = (invWord << 59) >> 63;
final long designMask = ~(signed & 0xFF);
final long digits = ((word & designMask) << (28 - decimalSepPos)) & 0x0F000F0F00L;
final long absValue = ((digits * MAGIC_MULTIPLIER) >>> 32) & 0x3FF;
final int measurement = (int) ((absValue ^ signed) - signed);
// Store:
measurementRepository.update(startAddress, data, (int) (delimiterAddress - startAddress), hash, measurement);
return delimiterAddress + (decimalSepPos >> 3) + 4; // Determine next start:
// return nextAddress;
static final class Measurement {
int min, max, count;
@ -94,176 +226,6 @@ public class CalculateAverage_royvanrijn {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
new CalculateAverage_royvanrijn().run();
// new CalculateAverage_royvanrijn().runTests();
private void run() throws Exception {
var results = getFileSegments(new File(FILE)).stream().map(segment -> {
long segmentEnd = segment.end();
try (var fileChannel = (FileChannel) Files.newByteChannel(Path.of(FILE), StandardOpenOption.READ)) {
var bb =, segment.start(), segmentEnd - segment.start());
// Work with any UTF-8 city name, up to 100 in length:
var cityNameAsLongArray = new long[16];
var delimiterPointerAndHash = new int[2];
// Calculate using native ordering (fastest?):
// Record the order it is and calculate accordingly:
final boolean bufferIsBigEndian = bb.order().equals(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN);
MeasurementRepository measurements = new MeasurementRepository();
int startPointer;
int limit = bb.limit();
while ((startPointer = bb.position()) < limit) {
int delimiterPointer, endPointer;
// SWAR method to find delimiter *and* record the cityname as long[] *and* calculate a hash:
findNextDelimiterAndCalculateHash(bb, SEPARATOR_PATTERN, startPointer, limit, delimiterPointerAndHash, cityNameAsLongArray, bufferIsBigEndian);
delimiterPointer = delimiterPointerAndHash[0];
// Simple lookup is faster for '\n' (just three options)
if (delimiterPointer >= limit) {
return measurements;
// Extract the measurement value (10x):
final int cityNameLength = delimiterPointer - startPointer;
int measuredValue;
int neg = 1;
if (bb.get(++delimiterPointer) == '-') {
neg = -1;
byte dot;
if ((dot = (bb.get(delimiterPointer + 1))) == '.') {
measuredValue = neg * ((bb.get(delimiterPointer)) * 10 + (bb.get(delimiterPointer + 2)) - 528);
endPointer = delimiterPointer + 3;
else {
measuredValue = neg * (bb.get(delimiterPointer) * 100 + dot * 10 + bb.get(delimiterPointer + 3) - 5328);
endPointer = delimiterPointer + 4;
// Store everything in a custom hashtable:
measurements.update(cityNameAsLongArray, bb, cityNameLength, delimiterPointerAndHash[1]).updateWith(measuredValue);
bb.position(endPointer + 1); // skip to next line.
return measurements;
catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
.flatMap(v -> v.get())
.collect(Collectors.toMap(e -> e.cityName, MeasurementRepository.Entry::measurement, Measurement::updateWith, TreeMap::new));
// System.out.println("Processed: " + results.entrySet().stream().mapToLong(e -> e.getValue().count).sum());
* -------- This section contains SWAR code (SIMD Within A Register) which processes a bytebuffer as longs to find values:
private static final long SEPARATOR_PATTERN = compilePattern((byte) ';');
* Already looping the longs here, lets shoehorn in making a hash
private void findNextDelimiterAndCalculateHash(final ByteBuffer bb, final long pattern, final int start, final int limit, final int[] output,
final long[] asLong, final boolean bufferBigEndian) {
int hash = 1;
int i;
int lCnt = 0;
for (i = start; i <= limit - 8; i += 8) {
long word = bb.getLong(i);
if (bufferBigEndian) {
word = Long.reverseBytes(word); // Reversing the bytes is the cheapest way to do this
final long match = word ^ pattern;
long mask = ((match - 0x0101010101010101L) & ~match) & 0x8080808080808080L;
if (mask != 0) {
final int index = Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(mask) >> 3;
output[0] = (i + index);
final long partialHash = word & ((mask >> 7) - 1);
asLong[lCnt] = partialHash;
output[1] = longHashStep(hash, partialHash);
asLong[lCnt++] = word;
hash = longHashStep(hash, word);
// Handle remaining bytes near the limit of the buffer:
long partialHash = 0;
int len = 0;
for (; i < limit; i++) {
byte read;
if ((read = bb.get(i)) == (byte) pattern) {
asLong[lCnt] = partialHash;
output[0] = i;
output[1] = longHashStep(hash, partialHash);
partialHash = partialHash | ((long) read << (len << 3));
output[0] = limit; // delimiter not found
private static int longHashStep(final int hash, final long word) {
return 31 * hash + (int) (word ^ (word >>> 32));
private static long compilePattern(final byte value) {
return ((long) value << 56) | ((long) value << 48) | ((long) value << 40) | ((long) value << 32) |
((long) value << 24) | ((long) value << 16) | ((long) value << 8) | (long) value;
record FileSegment(long start, long end) {
private static List<FileSegment> getFileSegments(final File file) throws IOException {
final int numberOfSegments = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
final long fileSize = file.length();
final long segmentSize = fileSize / numberOfSegments;
final List<FileSegment> segments = new ArrayList<>();
if (segmentSize < 1000) {
segments.add(new FileSegment(0, fileSize));
return segments;
try (RandomAccessFile randomAccessFile = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r")) {
long segStart = 0;
long segEnd = segmentSize;
while (segStart < fileSize) {
segEnd = findSegment(randomAccessFile, segEnd, fileSize);
segments.add(new FileSegment(segStart, segEnd));
segStart = segEnd; // Just re-use the end and go from there.
segEnd = Math.min(fileSize, segEnd + segmentSize);
return segments;
private static long findSegment(RandomAccessFile raf, long location, final long fileSize) throws IOException {;
while (location < fileSize) {
if ( == '\n')
return location;
return location;
// branchless max (unprecise for large numbers, but good enough)
static int max(final int a, final int b) {
final int diff = a - b;
@ -278,85 +240,69 @@ public class CalculateAverage_royvanrijn {
return b + (diff & dsgn);
private static int longHashStep(final int hash, final long word) {
return 31 * hash + (int) (word ^ (word >>> 32));
private static long compilePattern(final byte value) {
return ((long) value << 56) | ((long) value << 48) | ((long) value << 40) | ((long) value << 32) |
((long) value << 24) | ((long) value << 16) | ((long) value << 8) | (long) value;
* A normal Java HashMap does all these safety things like boundary checks... we don't need that, we need speeeed.
* So I've written an extremely simple linear probing hashmap that should work well enough.
class MeasurementRepository {
private int tableSize = 1 << 20; // can grow in theory, made large enough not to (this is faster)
private int tableSize = 1 << 20; // large enough for the contest.
private int tableMask = (tableSize - 1);
private int tableLimit = (int) (tableSize * LOAD_FACTOR);
private int tableFilled = 0;
private static final float LOAD_FACTOR = 0.8f;
private Entry[] table = new Entry[tableSize];
private MeasurementRepository.Entry[] table = new MeasurementRepository.Entry[tableSize];
record Entry(long address, long[] data, int length, int hash, String city, Measurement measurement) {
record Entry(int hash, long[] nameBytesInLong, String cityName, Measurement measurement) {
public String toString() {
return cityName + "=" + measurement;
return city + "=" + measurement;
public Measurement update(long[] nameBytesInLong, ByteBuffer bb, int length, int calculatedHash) {
public void update(long address, long[] data, int length, int hash, int temperature) {
final int nameBytesInLongLength = 1 + (length >>> 3);
int index = calculatedHash & tableMask;
Entry tableEntry;
int dataLength = length >> 3;
int index = hash & tableMask;
MeasurementRepository.Entry tableEntry;
while ((tableEntry = table[index]) != null
&& (tableEntry.hash != calculatedHash || !arrayEquals(tableEntry.nameBytesInLong, nameBytesInLong, nameBytesInLongLength))) { // search for the right spot
&& (tableEntry.hash != hash || tableEntry.length != length || !arrayEquals(, data, dataLength))) { // search for the right spot
index = (index + 1) & tableMask;
if (tableEntry != null) {
return tableEntry.measurement;
// --- This is a brand new entry, insert into the hashtable and do the extra calculations (once!) do slower calculations here.
Measurement measurement = new Measurement();
// Now create a string:
byte[] buffer = new byte[length];
bb.get(buffer, 0, length);
String cityName = new String(buffer, 0, length);
byte[] bytes = new byte[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
bytes[i] = UNSAFE.getByte(address + i);
String city = new String(bytes);
// Store the long[] for faster equals:
long[] nameBytesInLongCopy = new long[nameBytesInLongLength];
System.arraycopy(nameBytesInLong, 0, nameBytesInLongCopy, 0, nameBytesInLongLength);
long[] dataCopy = new long[dataLength];
System.arraycopy(data, 0, dataCopy, 0, dataLength);
// And add entry:
Entry toAdd = new Entry(calculatedHash, nameBytesInLongCopy, cityName, measurement);
MeasurementRepository.Entry toAdd = new MeasurementRepository.Entry(address, dataCopy, length, hash, city, measurement);
table[index] = toAdd;
// Resize the table if filled too much:
if (++tableFilled > tableLimit) {
return toAdd.measurement;
private void resizeTable() {
// Resize the table:
Entry[] oldEntries = table;
table = new Entry[tableSize <<= 2]; // x2
tableMask = (tableSize - 1);
tableLimit = (int) (tableSize * LOAD_FACTOR);
for (Entry entry : oldEntries) {
if (entry != null) {
int updatedTableIndex = entry.hash & tableMask;
while (table[updatedTableIndex] != null) {
updatedTableIndex = (updatedTableIndex + 1) & tableMask;
table[updatedTableIndex] = entry;
public Stream<Entry> get() {
public Stream<MeasurementRepository.Entry> get() {
@ -372,49 +318,4 @@ public class CalculateAverage_royvanrijn {
return true;
public void runTests() {
// Method used for debugging purposes, easy to make mistakes with all the bit hacking.
// These all have the same hashes:
testInput("Delft;-12.4", 0, true, new int[]{ 5, 1718384401 }, new long[]{ 499934586180L });
testInput("aDelft;-12.4", 1, true, new int[]{ 6, 1718384401 }, new long[]{ 499934586180L });
testInput("Delft;-12.4", 0, false, new int[]{ 5, 1718384401 }, new long[]{ 499934586180L });
testInput("aDelft;-12.4", 1, false, new int[]{ 6, 1718384401 }, new long[]{ 499934586180L });
testInput("Rotterdam;-12.4", 0, true, new int[]{ 9, -784321989 }, new long[]{ 7017859899421126482L, 109L });
testInput("abcdefghijklmnpoqrstuvwxyzRotterdam;-12.4", 26, true, new int[]{ 35, -784321989 }, new long[]{ 7017859899421126482L, 109L });
testInput("abcdefghijklmnpoqrstuvwxyzARotterdam;-12.4", 27, true, new int[]{ 36, -784321989 }, new long[]{ 7017859899421126482L, 109L });
testInput("Rotterdam;-12.4", 0, false, new int[]{ 9, -784321989 }, new long[]{ 7017859899421126482L, 109L });
testInput("abcdefghijklmnpoqrstuvwxyzRotterdam;-12.4", 26, false, new int[]{ 35, -784321989 }, new long[]{ 7017859899421126482L, 109L });
testInput("abcdefghijklmnpoqrstuvwxyzARotterdam;-12.4", 27, false, new int[]{ 36, -784321989 }, new long[]{ 7017859899421126482L, 109L });
// These have different hashes from the strings above:
testInput("abcdefghijklmnpoqrstuvwxyzAROtterdam;-12.4", 27, true, new int[]{ 36, -792194501 }, new long[]{ 7017859899421118290L, 109L });
testInput("abcdefghijklmnpoqrstuvwxyzAROtterdam;-12.4", 27, false, new int[]{ 36, -792194501 }, new long[]{ 7017859899421118290L, 109L });
private void testInput(final String inputString, final int start, final boolean bigEndian, final int[] expectedDelimiterAndHash, final long[] expectedCityNameLong) {
byte[] input = inputString.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(input).order(bigEndian ? ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN : ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
int[] output = new int[2];
long[] cityName = new long[128];
findNextDelimiterAndCalculateHash(buffer, SEPARATOR_PATTERN, start, buffer.limit(), output, cityName, bigEndian);
if (!Arrays.equals(output, expectedDelimiterAndHash)) {
System.out.println("Error in delimiter or hash");
System.out.println("Expected: " + Arrays.toString(expectedDelimiterAndHash));
System.out.println("Received: " + Arrays.toString(output));
int amountLong = 1 + ((output[0] - start) >>> 3);
if (!Arrays.equals(cityName, 0, amountLong, expectedCityNameLong, 0, amountLong)) {
System.out.println("Error in long array");
System.out.println("Expected: " + Arrays.toString(expectedCityNameLong));
System.out.println("Received: " + Arrays.toString(cityName));