Fixes progress bar for

This commit is contained in:
Ruslan Kovtun 2024-02-26 10:22:24 +02:00 committed by Gunnar Morling
parent 6125ba4dfa
commit dfec2cdbe6

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@ -107,21 +107,23 @@ def build_test_data(weather_station_names, num_rows_to_create):
hottest_temp = 99.9
station_names_10k_max = random.choices(weather_station_names, k=10_000)
batch_size = 10000 # instead of writing line by line to file, process a batch of stations and put it to disk
progress_step = max(1, (num_rows_to_create // batch_size) // 100)
chunks = num_rows_to_create // batch_size
print('Building test data...')
with open("../../../data/measurements.txt", 'w') as file:
for s in range(0,num_rows_to_create // batch_size):
progress = 0
for chunk in range(chunks):
batch = random.choices(station_names_10k_max, k=batch_size)
prepped_deviated_batch = '\n'.join([f"{station};{random.uniform(coldest_temp, hottest_temp):.1f}" for station in batch]) # :.1f should quicker than round on a large scale, because round utilizes mathematical operation
file.write(prepped_deviated_batch + '\n')
# Update progress bar every 1%
if s % progress_step == 0 or s == num_rows_to_create - 1:
sys.stdout.write("[%-50s] %d%%" % ('=' * int((s + 1) / num_rows_to_create * 50), (s + 1) / num_rows_to_create * 100))
if (chunk + 1) * 100 // chunks != progress:
progress = (chunk + 1) * 100 // chunks
bars = '=' * (progress // 2)
sys.stdout.write(f"\r[{bars:<50}] {progress}%")
except Exception as e: