diff --git a/src/main/rust/src/bin/multi_threaded.rs b/src/main/rust/src/bin/multi_threaded.rs
index d1860a4..6745ba1 100644
--- a/src/main/rust/src/bin/multi_threaded.rs
+++ b/src/main/rust/src/bin/multi_threaded.rs
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 use std::{
     io::{BufRead, BufReader},
-    sync::{Mutex},
 use std::collections::HashMap;
+use std::sync::mpsc;
 use std::time::Instant;
 use onebrc::format_nums;
@@ -12,22 +12,17 @@ const DEFAULT_HASHMAP_LENGTH: usize = 10000;
 fn main() {
-    let stations:Mutex<HashMap<String, onebrc::StationMeasurements>> =
-        Mutex::new(HashMap::with_capacity(DEFAULT_HASHMAP_LENGTH));
     thread::scope(|s| {
-        // Doing this allows us to not "move" stations into the closure
-        // and remove the necessity for reference counting (Arc)
-        // no performance improvement but less complex
-        let stations = &stations;
+        let mut stations: HashMap<String, onebrc::StationMeasurements> = HashMap::with_capacity(DEFAULT_HASHMAP_LENGTH);
+        let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();
         let now = Instant::now();
         let cores: usize = thread::available_parallelism().unwrap().into();
         let chunk_length = 1_000_000_000 / cores;
         for i in 0..cores {
             let file = File::open("../../../measurements.txt").expect("File measurements.txt not found");
             let reader = BufReader::new(file);
             let line_chunk = reader.lines().skip(chunk_length * i).take(chunk_length);
+            let tx = tx.clone();
             s.spawn(move || {
                 let mut t_stations: HashMap<String, onebrc::StationMeasurements> =
@@ -61,18 +56,21 @@ fn main() {
                 print!("\x1b[{print_line};60HTime reading lines in thread {i}={} ms", now_read_line.elapsed().as_millis());
-                for (station, measurements) in t_stations.iter() {
-                    let mut stations_guard = stations.lock().expect("Error while locking");
-                    let joined_measurements_options = stations_guard.get_mut(station.as_str());
-                    if let Some(joined_measurements) = joined_measurements_options {
-                        joined_measurements.merge(measurements);
-                    } else {
-                        stations_guard.insert(station.to_owned(), *measurements);
-                    }
-                }
+                let _ = tx.send(t_stations);
-        let mut stations: Vec<String> = stations.lock().unwrap().iter().map(|(station, measurements)| {
+        drop(tx);
+        while let Ok(t_stations) = rx.recv() {
+            for (station, measurements) in t_stations.iter() {
+                let joined_measurements_options = stations.get_mut(station.as_str());
+                if let Some(joined_measurements) = joined_measurements_options {
+                    joined_measurements.merge(measurements);
+                } else {
+                    stations.insert(station.to_owned(), *measurements);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        let mut stations: Vec<String> = stations.iter().map(|(station, measurements)| {
             let measurements = measurements.to_string();