diff --git a/calculate_average_ianopolousfast.sh b/calculate_average_ianopolousfast.sh
index 06c31d9..4ed77c7 100755
--- a/calculate_average_ianopolousfast.sh
+++ b/calculate_average_ianopolousfast.sh
@@ -16,4 +16,6 @@
 JAVA_OPTS="--enable-preview --add-modules=jdk.incubator.vector"
+#-Djdk.incubator.vector.VECTOR_ACCESS_OOB_CHECK=0 -XX:-UseTransparentHugePages"
 java $JAVA_OPTS --class-path target/average-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar dev.morling.onebrc.CalculateAverage_ianopolousfast
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/morling/onebrc/CalculateAverage_ianopolousfast.java b/src/main/java/dev/morling/onebrc/CalculateAverage_ianopolousfast.java
index 417abcf..92e2f6e 100644
--- a/src/main/java/dev/morling/onebrc/CalculateAverage_ianopolousfast.java
+++ b/src/main/java/dev/morling/onebrc/CalculateAverage_ianopolousfast.java
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import jdk.incubator.vector.ByteVector;
 import jdk.incubator.vector.VectorOperators;
 import jdk.incubator.vector.VectorSpecies;
-import java.io.IOException;
 import java.lang.foreign.Arena;
 import java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment;
 import java.nio.ByteOrder;
@@ -39,10 +38,7 @@ import static java.lang.foreign.ValueLayout.*;
  * * read chunks in parallel
  * * minimise allocation
  * * no unsafe
- *
- * Timings on 4 core i7-7500U CPU @ 2.70GHz:
- * average_baseline: 4m48s
- * ianopolous:         13.8s
+ * * process multiple lines in each thread for better ILP
 public class CalculateAverage_ianopolousfast {
@@ -91,11 +87,22 @@ public class CalculateAverage_ianopolousfast {
         return true;
-    private static int hashToIndex(long hash, int len) {
-        // From Thomas Wuerthinger's entry
-        int hashAsInt = (int) (hash ^ (hash >>> 28));
-        int finalHash = (hashAsInt ^ (hashAsInt >>> 15));
-        return (finalHash & (len - 1));
+    private static final int GOLDEN_RATIO = 0x9E3779B9;
+    private static final int HASH_LROTATE = 5;
+    // hash from giovannicuccu
+    private static int hash(MemorySegment memorySegment, long start, int len) {
+        int x;
+        int y;
+        if (len >= Integer.BYTES) {
+            x = memorySegment.get(JAVA_INT_UNALIGNED, start);
+            y = memorySegment.get(JAVA_INT_UNALIGNED, start + len - Integer.BYTES);
+        }
+        else {
+            x = memorySegment.get(JAVA_BYTE, start);
+            y = memorySegment.get(JAVA_BYTE, start + len - Byte.BYTES);
+        }
+        return (Integer.rotateLeft(x * GOLDEN_RATIO, HASH_LROTATE) ^ y) * GOLDEN_RATIO;
     public static Stat createStation(long start, long end, MemorySegment buffer) {
@@ -105,8 +112,9 @@ public class CalculateAverage_ianopolousfast {
         return new Stat(stationBuffer);
-    public static Stat dedupeStation(long start, long end, long hash, MemorySegment buffer, Stat[] stations) {
-        int index = hashToIndex(hash, MAX_STATIONS);
+    public static Stat dedupeStation(long start, long end, MemorySegment buffer, Stat[] stations) {
+        int hash = hash(buffer, start, (int) (end - start));
+        int index = hash & (MAX_STATIONS - 1);
         Stat match = stations[index];
         while (match != null) {
             if (matchingStationBytes(start, end, buffer, match))
@@ -119,37 +127,11 @@ public class CalculateAverage_ianopolousfast {
         return res;
-    static long maskHighBytes(long d, int nbytes) {
-        return d & (-1L << ((8 - nbytes) * 8));
-    }
-    public static Stat parseStation(long lineStart, MemorySegment buffer, Stat[] stations) {
-        ByteVector line = ByteVector.fromMemorySegment(BYTE_SPECIES, buffer, lineStart, ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
-        int keySize = line.compare(VectorOperators.EQ, ';').firstTrue();
-        long first8 = buffer.get(LONG_LAYOUT, lineStart);
-        long second8 = 0;
-        if (keySize <= 8) {
-            first8 = maskHighBytes(first8, keySize & 0x07);
-        }
-        else if (keySize < 16) {
-            second8 = maskHighBytes(buffer.get(LONG_LAYOUT, lineStart + 8), keySize & 0x07);
-        }
-        else if (keySize == BYTE_SPECIES.vectorByteSize()) {
-            while (buffer.get(JAVA_BYTE, lineStart + keySize) != ';') {
-                keySize++;
-            }
-            second8 = maskHighBytes(buffer.get(LONG_LAYOUT, lineStart + 8), keySize & 0x07);
-        }
-        long hash = first8 ^ second8; // todo include later bytes
-        return dedupeStation(lineStart, lineStart + keySize, hash, buffer, stations);
-    }
     public static short getMinus(long d) {
         return ((d & 0xff00000000000000L) ^ 0x2d00000000000000L) != 0 ? 0 : (short) -1;
-    public static long processTemperature(long lineSplit, int size, MemorySegment buffer, Stat station) {
+    public static void processTemperature(long lineSplit, int size, MemorySegment buffer, Stat station) {
         long d = buffer.get(LONG_LAYOUT, lineSplit);
         // negative is either 0 or -1
         short negative = getMinus(d);
@@ -162,10 +144,9 @@ public class CalculateAverage_ianopolousfast {
                 100 * (((byte) (d >> 24)) - '0'));
         temperature = (short) ((temperature ^ negative) - negative); // negative treatment inspired by merkitty
-        return lineSplit + size + 1;
-    private static long parseLine(long lineStart, MemorySegment buffer, Stat[] stations) {
+    private static int lineSize(long lineStart, MemorySegment buffer) {
         ByteVector line = ByteVector.fromMemorySegment(BYTE_SPECIES, buffer, lineStart, ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
         int lineSize = line.compare(VectorOperators.EQ, '\n').firstTrue();
         int index = lineSize;
@@ -174,33 +155,19 @@ public class CalculateAverage_ianopolousfast {
                     ByteOrder.nativeOrder()).compare(VectorOperators.EQ, '\n').firstTrue();
             lineSize += index;
-        int keySize = lineSize - 6 + ByteVector.fromMemorySegment(BYTE_SPECIES, buffer, lineStart + lineSize - 6,
-                ByteOrder.nativeOrder()).compare(VectorOperators.EQ, ';').firstTrue();
-        long first8 = buffer.get(LONG_LAYOUT, lineStart);
-        long second8 = 0;
-        if (keySize <= 8) {
-            first8 = maskHighBytes(first8, keySize & 0x07);
-        }
-        else if (keySize < 16) {
-            second8 = maskHighBytes(buffer.get(LONG_LAYOUT, lineStart + 8), keySize & 0x07);
-        }
-        else if (keySize == BYTE_SPECIES.vectorByteSize()) {
-            while (buffer.get(JAVA_BYTE, lineStart + keySize) != ';') {
-                keySize++;
-            }
-            second8 = maskHighBytes(buffer.get(LONG_LAYOUT, lineStart + 8), keySize & 0x07);
-        }
-        long hash = first8 ^ second8; // todo include later bytes
-        Stat station = dedupeStation(lineStart, lineStart + keySize, hash, buffer, stations);
-        return processTemperature(lineStart + keySize + 1, lineSize - keySize - 1, buffer, station);
+        return lineSize;
-    public static Stat[] parseStats(long startByte, long endByte, MemorySegment buffer) {
+    private static int keySize(int lineSize, long lineStart, MemorySegment buffer) {
+        return lineSize - 6 + ByteVector.fromMemorySegment(BYTE_SPECIES, buffer, lineStart + lineSize - 6,
+                ByteOrder.nativeOrder()).compare(VectorOperators.EQ, ';').firstTrue();
+    }
+    public static Stat[] parseStats(long start1, long end2, MemorySegment buffer) {
         // read first partial line
-        if (startByte > 0) {
+        if (start1 > 0) {
             for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LINE_LENGTH; i++) {
-                byte b = buffer.get(JAVA_BYTE, startByte++);
+                byte b = buffer.get(JAVA_BYTE, start1++);
                 if (b == '\n') {
@@ -213,38 +180,47 @@ public class CalculateAverage_ianopolousfast {
         // this allows us to not worry about reading beyond the end
         // in the inner loop (reducing branches)
         // We need at least the vector lane size bytes back
-        if (endByte == buffer.byteSize()) {
+        if (end2 == buffer.byteSize()) {
             // reverse at least vector lane width
-            endByte = Math.max(buffer.byteSize() - BYTE_SPECIES.vectorByteSize(), 0);
-            while (endByte > 0 && buffer.get(JAVA_BYTE, endByte) != '\n')
-                endByte--;
+            end2 = Math.max(buffer.byteSize() - 2 * BYTE_SPECIES.vectorByteSize(), 0);
+            while (end2 > 0 && buffer.get(JAVA_BYTE, end2) != '\n')
+                end2--;
-            if (endByte > 0)
-                endByte++;
+            if (end2 > 0)
+                end2++;
             // copy into a larger buffer to avoid reading off end
-            MemorySegment end = Arena.global().allocate(MAX_LINE_LENGTH + BYTE_SPECIES.vectorByteSize());
-            for (long i = endByte; i < buffer.byteSize(); i++)
-                end.set(JAVA_BYTE, i - endByte, buffer.get(JAVA_BYTE, i));
+            MemorySegment end = Arena.global().allocate(MAX_LINE_LENGTH + 2 * BYTE_SPECIES.vectorByteSize());
+            for (long i = end2; i < buffer.byteSize(); i++)
+                end.set(JAVA_BYTE, i - end2, buffer.get(JAVA_BYTE, i));
             int index = 0;
-            while (endByte + index < buffer.byteSize()) {
-                Stat station = parseStation(index, end, stations);
-                int tempSize = 3;
-                if (end.get(JAVA_BYTE, index + station.namelen + 5) == '\n')
-                    tempSize = 4;
-                if (end.get(JAVA_BYTE, index + station.namelen + 6) == '\n')
-                    tempSize = 5;
-                index = (int) processTemperature(index + station.namelen + 1, tempSize, end, station);
+            while (end2 + index < buffer.byteSize()) {
+                int lineSize1 = lineSize(index, end);
+                int semiSearchStart = index + Math.max(0, lineSize1 - 6);
+                int keySize1 = semiSearchStart - index + ByteVector.fromMemorySegment(BYTE_SPECIES, end, semiSearchStart,
+                        ByteOrder.nativeOrder()).compare(VectorOperators.EQ, ';').firstTrue();
+                Stat station1 = dedupeStation(index, index + keySize1, end, stations);
+                processTemperature(index + keySize1 + 1, lineSize1 - keySize1 - 1, end, station1);
+                index += lineSize1 + 1;
-        innerloop(startByte, endByte, buffer, stations);
-        return stations;
-    }
-    private static void innerloop(long startByte, long endByte, MemorySegment buffer, Stat[] stations) {
-        while (startByte < endByte) {
-            startByte = parseLine(startByte, buffer, stations);
+        while (start1 < end2) {
+            int lineSize1 = lineSize(start1, buffer);
+            long start2 = start1 + lineSize1 + 1;
+            int lineSize2 = start2 < end2 ? lineSize(start2, buffer) : 0;
+            int keySize1 = keySize(lineSize1, start1, buffer);
+            int keySize2 = keySize(lineSize2, start2, buffer);
+            Stat station1 = dedupeStation(start1, start1 + keySize1, buffer, stations);
+            processTemperature(start1 + keySize1 + 1, lineSize1 - keySize1 - 1, buffer, station1);
+            if (start2 < end2) {
+                Stat station2 = dedupeStation(start2, start2 + keySize2, buffer, stations);
+                processTemperature(start2 + keySize2 + 1, lineSize2 - keySize2 - 1, buffer, station2);
+                start1 = start2 + lineSize2 + 1;
+            }
+            else
+                start1 += lineSize1 + 1;
+        return stations;
     public static class Stat {